Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1.CorsicaStudy the childhood of Napoleon to see if anything led to him playing a role in a revolution.
View of the Island
2.AusterlitzResearch the history of the war.
Important places in the battle, or view memorials if there are any.
3.LeipzigResearch why he was defeated
view Leipzig
4.ElbaHow did he escape?
View 3d buildings of where he was exiled.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:
Cache-Control: max-age

Monday, February 23, 2009

Psych....Quiz ? Module 27-30

T/F Entity view of ability is the belief that ability is a set of characteristic that can be changed.

T/F Maslow Theory suggests that humans have a hierarchy of needs.

T/F When activities are their own reward that is called extrinsic motivation.

T/F A personal intention to improve abilities and learn, not matter how performance suffers is mastery goal.

T/F Student motivation to learn is both a trait and a state.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PSYCH...Quiz Questions 24-26, 31

1. Cooperation

2. Jigsaw


4. Self-esteem

5.Community of Practice

A. A person's sense of being able to deal effectively with a particular task

B. A concern with judgments of self-worth.

C. A cooperative structure in which each member of a group is responsible for teaching other members one section of the material.

D. Working together to attain a shared goal

E. Social situation or context in which ideas are judged useful or true.

Answers: 1:D 2:C 3:A 4:B 5:E

Monday, February 16, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

PSYCH...Modules 2-5

A. Operations

B. Classification

C. Development

D. Disequilibrium

E. Private speech

Grouping objects into categories

Orderly, adaptive changes we go through from conception to death.

Actions a person carries out by thinking them through instead of literally performing the actions.

Children's self-talk, which guides their thinking and action. Eventually, these verbalizations are internalized as silent inner speech.

In Piaget's theory, the “out-of-balance” state that occurs when a person realized that his or her current ways of thinking are not working to solve a problem or understand a situation.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Digital Story TPACK

We decided to work with 1st grade
Standard 1Objective 2b
Objective 2 Develop language through viewing media and presenting.
b.Use a variety of formats (e.g., show and tell, drama, sharing of books and personal writings, choral readings, informational reports, retelling experiences and stories in sequence) in presenting with various forms of media.

We will be representing "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly." With pictures, narration and music in a digital story. We will be letting the student see books in another light. After having students watch this movie. Each student or a group of students will make their own. This is a very creative way of getting students excited about literature.


To represent this story we will be using Photostory. Photostory will allows us to combine pictures to make a movie. It also lets us narrate the story and have music in the background. This will allows the students to see this story in a new way. They will be able to look at new pictures and hear me reading the story. So they will be able to work on their reading fluency.

PS. The monkeys don't mean anything, I just like them. You could take this project a little farther and give students a group of different pictures and have them make up a story with the pictures.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Booyeah Storyboard!

Like I said...Booyeah...storyboard.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is pretty much the best show ever. Watch it and see, you will love it. The end.

Psych...Quiz Questions

Strengthening behavior by removing an unpleasant stimulus when behavior occurs is

Positive Reinforcement
self reinforcement
Removal punishment
Negative Reinforcement

Reinforcing each small step of progress towards a desired outcome is

successive goals

Use of behavioral learning principles to change your own behavior is self-


Monday, February 2, 2009

The Answers!

The content in our science project was about the forest, wetlands, and deserts that can be found in Utah.

The pedagogy we are using for this project is letting the students find and see different parts of Utah. They actually get to see the different landforms. It is a lot more interactive than just looking at a map.

The technology that we used was GoogleEarth. GoogleEarth was a perfect fit for this project, because students could navigate themselves through Utah and find the wetlands, desert, and forest.

The Tech Savvy Teacher

The Tech Savvy Teacher

We have found as the students have been coming into our classroom that they are extremely interested in the world of technology. Think about how many of your students have cell phones, computers, iPods, etc. They are technologically savvy! We, as their teachers, need to keep up with them in this fast-paced world. As we plan our lessons, we need to always have technology in mind so that we truly become a tech-savvy teacher and help our students be the best in this competitive world.

In this science activity, our objective was to help our 4th grade students achieve core standard five which states: “Students will understand the physical characteristics of Utah’s wetlands, forests, and deserts.” Each student was given an outline of the shape of Utah.

Map of Wetlands, forest, and deserts.

On this map, they were to identify and label using different colors the different physical characteristics of Utah. We discussed the different physical characteristics of each of these areas so students could distinguish between the different landforms.

Students were given the opportunity in small groups to look at Utah from outer space using Google Earth on the classroom computers to aide them in shading in their Utah maps.

Google Earth is a program that can be accessed through the internet to view the world from outer space to identify different physical characteristics. As children explore the world using this technology, they are able to observe and analyze the different wetlands, forests, and deserts in Utah compared to other areas in the world. This is a good opportunity for students because they can become more proficient using the internet and also see areas of the world they may never visit. We have found this to be an effective tool in involving the student in their own learning process. Children need to have the opportunity to learn independence and this activity provides what they need to explore using their own technology skills.