Monday, January 26, 2009

Who knew how cool FREE technology software could be?

I only looked at a few of the technologies that were available to us, because they ones I looked at were so cool that I explored them forever. I am excited to experience all the other adventures they have in store. One that I loved was google earth. You can travel around the world and be sitting in your room. I saw the Pyramids in Egypt and my backyard with in 5 mins. Talk about cool. And then looking at the stars was pretty amazing and learned a ton by just exploring for a few minutes. TECHNOLOGY ROCK!

TPACK is what you need!

TPACK is an acronym that stands for technology, pedagogical, and content knowledge. These are all things that a good teacher needs. While teaching a lesson, if you have great knowledge about the content and you are a fabulous teacher AND you know how to use technology to make the lesson interesting. You will pretty much be the best teacher ever. Having knowledge of all of these things doesn't just come over night. They are all areas where practice is important. So...practice, practice, practice. Being a teacher is a continuous learning process, so don't let it get your down.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quiz Questions!

Module 9:

A disorder is a/an

A) a)Inability to keep things organized.

B) b)Inability to do something specific.

C) c)Disadvantage in certain situations

D) d)General disturbance in physical or mental functioning.

Module 11:

For which group of students does tracking/between-class ability grouping cause problems?

A) a)Low income students

B) b)High-achieving students

C) c)Low-achieving students

D) d)High-income students

Module 36:

According to the text you can plan on your own, but it is better to…

A) a)Have someone else plan for you.

B) b)Work with other teachers and share ideas.

C) c)Have the students have a hand in the planning.

D) d)All of the above.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I learned so much my brain hurts!

I am excited to actually be proficient in all the Web 2.0 tools. I now know what some of them are, but I am still having troubles actually using them for my gain. I do know how to get all of them on my blog, and that is a plus, because then when I want to really figure them out it isn't hard to get there. My favorite is Goodreads. I can definitely see how it can be helpful now and when I have my own classroom. All of these tools, such as, delicious, Goodreads and RSS make everything more efficient. They help us waste less time and keeps everything very organized. And my favorite part is that is doesn't take up any space in my room like all of my educations binders.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Learning Reflection

When I started this assignment to find something I didn't know how to do and learn how to do it, I decided I as going to learn how to make a paper crane. I have always wanted to learn how, but I have never really made time for it. This assignment made me make time.

I looked up sites on the Internet to help me learn. I started out just fine. Reading the instructions and then doing it. Even though the instructions were not very good and the pictures along with the instructions were not helpful. I wanted to learn how, so I kept going. I got more that half way there and got to frustrated to go on. Now I have a piece of paper nicely folded to look like a diamond with legs.

I then started to look for the easy way out. What is something easier that I could learn. Sometime that won't take me as much time. I realized I was taking the lazy way out, but I was frustrated and I no longer cared about paper cranes. (Okay I might be over reacting a little.)

Then I started thinking about my week. I realized how much I have learned how. I learned about RSS and how to use them. I got an account at Goodreads and made some book selves, added friends, and selected books. I figured out how to use Delicious, a site that helps you store different articles on the Internet. I learned how the real dance to Cotton-Eye Joe. I learned the the Texas-two step and can actually do it pretty well. I also enjoyed learning all of this things. After thinking about all of these things I learned how to do I realized something that they all had in common. I was with people when I was learning how to do them. People were there supporting me and helping me along. One other thing that they had in common was a person told me what to do. I didn't have to read it and look at pictures.

If I was sitting around a table with a group of friends and we were learning how to fold paper cranes I would have loved to do that. I would have actually learned how, and I would not have gotten so frustrated and stopped before the end.

I apparently am a people person. I need people around me and I want them there. If I want to learn something to the best of my ability I need someone teaching me all the way. Not just giving me a hand out and letting me try and figure it out on my own.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I have never really been taught how to work with technology. I can usually figure it out if I need to and just try. I know there is a ton that I don't know how to do. I am excited to learn about all the opportunities that I have right at my fingertips. Once I really learn how to use technology, everything will not be such a hassle to do.

I have made a couple of power points but I have never been able to do the cool stuff. I can put things on slides and then manually move through the slides. I can enter numbers in a spreadsheet but I don't know how to do anything else. I have had my cell phone for 6 months and don't know how to do anything but call people. This partly has to do with me being lazy and not wanting to read the user's manual. My lazy days are over. I am going to learn how to do EVERYTHING, and it will be FABULOUS!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The First!

This is my first post ever!