Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Teaching about internet safety.

I talked to my mom and sister about this. First I asked them what they knew and they knew more that I thought they would. They knew more then I did before reading and watching all that information. My sister's husband's cousin makes internet games that teach children about internet safety. It was really interesting to learn about.

I told them about the things that I learned actually happen, the things that shocked me. And my mom and sister both knew about them. I talked about how it is important to know what could happen so that you are ready to fight it and prevent it.

I also talked to them about cyber bullying. My sister is teacher and she told me a story about one of her students who was bullied on a myspace page. I then talked about pornography and how you need to turn off your computer. My mom then told me a story of when she was doing family history and this site came up and she couldn't get it off. She then learned that you have to completly turn off your computer. My sister recounted a story of a student in her school coming to a pornogrpahic site and school and he did the right thing. He first turned off the monitor and then went and told a teacher.

This experience was good because we were all on the same page and agreed and were worried about the same things.

4th reading

    What article did you choose to read for your fourth article? An Ensign to the Nations, a Light to the World by Gordon B. Hinckley

    That were the most important things you learned from the readings?

    “There are forces all around us that would deter us from that effort. The world is constantly crowding in on us. From all sides we feel the pressure to soften our stance, to give in here a little and there a little.

We must never lose sight of our objective. We must ever keep before us the goal which the Lord has set for us.”

Sometimes I forget that the world is trying to pull at me. I need to remember and not falter. If we have our objective in sight we would not be partaking in media that offends the spirit. We would not be partaking in media that is not virtuous, lovely, of good report, and praise worthy

    How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?

    I need to make sure that my students and children know that:

    “Life is better than that which is so frequently portrayed. Nature is better than that. Love is better than that. This kind of entertainment is only an evil caricature of the good and the beautiful.”

    I need to make sure that my children know that they need to be an example to the world. Make sure my children are aware of the danger and help them not be a part of it.

    How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?

    “We cannot be arrogant. We cannot be self-righteous. The very situation in which the Lord has placed us requires that we be humble as the beneficiaries of His direction.

While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly, soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding.”

When I talk to my family or friends about this I need to be soft-spoken and understanding. If I force what I think on someone else and am arrogant about it, that will not work. I need to be humble.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Two Best Ideas

While watching the presentations today I learned about different technology that I could use in my classroom to enhance a lesson. The ones that I thought were good were the use of i-clickers. It is a great way to assess what the students know. And it is easy to use. Another thing that I thought was neat was the Jeopardy game. It was simple but it got the students exited about learning vocab words. The easier the better for me.

Technology Lesson!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Observational Reflection!

Observational Reflection

While observing Mrs. Poai's math lesson I noticed things that I hadn't really been able to pinpoint before. Goes to show when you are looking for it you can find it. I was looking for the good and I found it. I know that isn't really what this reflection was for, but because of it I am going to remember to look for the good in my future lessons and the good in my students and I will find it. It is still important to find and fix the things that aren't the best and improve as much as possible.

Back to the lesson that was observed. The first thing that I was able to notice was that she stated the objective right at the beginning of the lesson. “Today we are going to learn how to write and count to in the teens.” Not only did she state the objective she stated it at least 4 times that I heard. If the students didn't know what the lesson was about it was because they were not doing their part in the lesson.

When the students were not acting like they should of, and were talking when Mrs. Poai was talking she would stop talking and wait for them. But she didn't just wait for them to be quite she told them why she was waiting for them to pay attention. She let them know that she had to wait for them to listen because this is important for them to learn. She talked about how they needed to learn this, so they could do their best in 2nd grade. She got them to see the bigger picture for a minute. They needed to learn this for 2nd grade. She showed them that she wanted them to do their best in 2nd grade and she was trying to help them they best she could, but they had to do their part to learn.

Her methods of teacher were also great she used a poem in this math lesson and also used the students in her object lesson. She picked students to come up to the front so the rest of the class could count them. She also noticed that one student wasn't paying attention so she had him come up and help her. She didn't call him out on not listening she just got him engaged.

One other thing that I noticed was that she motivated the students but letting them know that after they learned about “the teens” they were going to use the white boards and play a game. The students love to play with the white boards. At first being able to use the white boards was an extrinsic motivation, but when they were playing the math game the white boards were an intrinsic motivation.

I hope that my teaching is similar to Mrs. Poai's but I know I have a ways to go to get their. She seems to see everything. She sees the student that need a little push, she see the student that need to help her to stay engaged, she knows her students so well. She was able to adjust her lesson to better fit her students and that is what it is all about.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Week 11

In our first grade class we made a story. As a class we first wrote a story about plants, because that is what we were learning about in science. As we wrote the story, we told the students that we were going to make it into a movie. That got them excited to make the story great. After we had written the story we had each student illustrate a page of the story. After that we took pictures of their drawings and used photostory to narrate the story and make the "movie" of their story.

Today in class we got to go to the movies we used the projector to make it a big screen movie. All the students were excited to see their movie and thought it was great that it was their pictures and their voices.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 10

In our classroom literacy is very important. And it is the emphasis for half of each day. The students have just finished writing stories on their own. And now we want to write a story as a class. To teach them about beginning, middle, and end. And also using detail and good grammar to make a good story.

After we write the story as a class we are going to have each student illustrate a page fo the story. And take a picture of the page and have each student narrate their page. And make a photo story out of it. We will also bind the pages that they make and have a finished book that they can read during free time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In-Class Teaching Reflection

Overall I think that our lesson went very well. There were weak points as well as strengths. I thought the hook was a good idea but we could have chosen a better movie. I had never seen that movie before and was a little uncomfortable watching it in class, which I am sure someone else in the class might have felt the same way. As a teacher I would never want anyone in my classroom to feel uncomfortable.

The definition game was a good idea, but when it was put into practice it didn't go over so well. The students were not into it. I didn't think that they got much out of it. After the first couple of word the students stopped participating. Next time I would make it more exciting for the students. If it was more of a competition, or if the words had a harder definitions. It would also be fun to put the book definition in the mix and have the students try and guess which definition was from the book.

The scale of intrinsic to extrinsic motivation was a good activity. It gave the students an opportunity to apply was we were learning to their lives. It also gave them a chance to get up out of their desks and move.

By far the best part of the lesson were the skits. The entire lesson I felt like we were trying to drag responses out of the class. It seemed like most of the them weren't not engaged in the lesson. The skits helped get the students excited about learning. Good things about the skits were that we were able to give them examples and they got to have the opportunity to show us if they understood. Having a time limit on it was great. We didn't waste anytime and each group did a wonderful job. Another great thing about the skits were that we had props. I really think the props help the students get excited about actually doing the play and they also gave students ideas on what they should do for their play.

Throughout our lesson we used many different psychology principles. Our lesson was on motivation. Throughout the entire lesson we were trying to keep the students extrinsically motivated. We gave incentives and rewards. Most of the reasons behind what we did was to motivate students to learn about motivation, also to motivate them to be teachers, and show them way in which they could motivate their own students.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Virtual Tour of Napoleon


Virtual Tour of Napoleon

I hope this works.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Content: For this assignment I am doing
Grade 6
Standard 3: Students will understand how revolutions have had an impact on the modern world.
Obj 2a:
Identify representative people from selected revolutions (e.g. Napoleon, Martin Luther, James Watt, Isaac Newton, Madame Curie, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek).

Pedagogy: For this activity I am going to let the student do a lot exploring/researching on their own. As the see the places where these historical events happened in Napoleon's life, they will find out on their own the real significance of these places.

Technology: For this lesson I will be using Google Earth and I will be making a virtual tour. So that my students will be able to see some of the places that were important to Napoleon life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1.CorsicaStudy the childhood of Napoleon to see if anything led to him playing a role in a revolution.
View of the Island
2.AusterlitzResearch the history of the war.
Important places in the battle, or view memorials if there are any.
3.LeipzigResearch why he was defeated
view Leipzig
4.ElbaHow did he escape?
View 3d buildings of where he was exiled.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:
Cache-Control: max-age

Monday, February 23, 2009

Psych....Quiz ? Module 27-30

T/F Entity view of ability is the belief that ability is a set of characteristic that can be changed.

T/F Maslow Theory suggests that humans have a hierarchy of needs.

T/F When activities are their own reward that is called extrinsic motivation.

T/F A personal intention to improve abilities and learn, not matter how performance suffers is mastery goal.

T/F Student motivation to learn is both a trait and a state.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PSYCH...Quiz Questions 24-26, 31

1. Cooperation

2. Jigsaw


4. Self-esteem

5.Community of Practice

A. A person's sense of being able to deal effectively with a particular task

B. A concern with judgments of self-worth.

C. A cooperative structure in which each member of a group is responsible for teaching other members one section of the material.

D. Working together to attain a shared goal

E. Social situation or context in which ideas are judged useful or true.

Answers: 1:D 2:C 3:A 4:B 5:E

Monday, February 16, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

PSYCH...Modules 2-5

A. Operations

B. Classification

C. Development

D. Disequilibrium

E. Private speech

Grouping objects into categories

Orderly, adaptive changes we go through from conception to death.

Actions a person carries out by thinking them through instead of literally performing the actions.

Children's self-talk, which guides their thinking and action. Eventually, these verbalizations are internalized as silent inner speech.

In Piaget's theory, the “out-of-balance” state that occurs when a person realized that his or her current ways of thinking are not working to solve a problem or understand a situation.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Digital Story TPACK

We decided to work with 1st grade
Standard 1Objective 2b
Objective 2 Develop language through viewing media and presenting.
b.Use a variety of formats (e.g., show and tell, drama, sharing of books and personal writings, choral readings, informational reports, retelling experiences and stories in sequence) in presenting with various forms of media.

We will be representing "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly." With pictures, narration and music in a digital story. We will be letting the student see books in another light. After having students watch this movie. Each student or a group of students will make their own. This is a very creative way of getting students excited about literature.


To represent this story we will be using Photostory. Photostory will allows us to combine pictures to make a movie. It also lets us narrate the story and have music in the background. This will allows the students to see this story in a new way. They will be able to look at new pictures and hear me reading the story. So they will be able to work on their reading fluency.

PS. The monkeys don't mean anything, I just like them. You could take this project a little farther and give students a group of different pictures and have them make up a story with the pictures.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Booyeah Storyboard!

Like I said...Booyeah...storyboard.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is pretty much the best show ever. Watch it and see, you will love it. The end.

Psych...Quiz Questions

Strengthening behavior by removing an unpleasant stimulus when behavior occurs is

Positive Reinforcement
self reinforcement
Removal punishment
Negative Reinforcement

Reinforcing each small step of progress towards a desired outcome is

successive goals

Use of behavioral learning principles to change your own behavior is self-


Monday, February 2, 2009

The Answers!

The content in our science project was about the forest, wetlands, and deserts that can be found in Utah.

The pedagogy we are using for this project is letting the students find and see different parts of Utah. They actually get to see the different landforms. It is a lot more interactive than just looking at a map.

The technology that we used was GoogleEarth. GoogleEarth was a perfect fit for this project, because students could navigate themselves through Utah and find the wetlands, desert, and forest.

The Tech Savvy Teacher

The Tech Savvy Teacher

We have found as the students have been coming into our classroom that they are extremely interested in the world of technology. Think about how many of your students have cell phones, computers, iPods, etc. They are technologically savvy! We, as their teachers, need to keep up with them in this fast-paced world. As we plan our lessons, we need to always have technology in mind so that we truly become a tech-savvy teacher and help our students be the best in this competitive world.

In this science activity, our objective was to help our 4th grade students achieve core standard five which states: “Students will understand the physical characteristics of Utah’s wetlands, forests, and deserts.” Each student was given an outline of the shape of Utah.

Map of Wetlands, forest, and deserts.

On this map, they were to identify and label using different colors the different physical characteristics of Utah. We discussed the different physical characteristics of each of these areas so students could distinguish between the different landforms.

Students were given the opportunity in small groups to look at Utah from outer space using Google Earth on the classroom computers to aide them in shading in their Utah maps.

Google Earth is a program that can be accessed through the internet to view the world from outer space to identify different physical characteristics. As children explore the world using this technology, they are able to observe and analyze the different wetlands, forests, and deserts in Utah compared to other areas in the world. This is a good opportunity for students because they can become more proficient using the internet and also see areas of the world they may never visit. We have found this to be an effective tool in involving the student in their own learning process. Children need to have the opportunity to learn independence and this activity provides what they need to explore using their own technology skills.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Who knew how cool FREE technology software could be?

I only looked at a few of the technologies that were available to us, because they ones I looked at were so cool that I explored them forever. I am excited to experience all the other adventures they have in store. One that I loved was google earth. You can travel around the world and be sitting in your room. I saw the Pyramids in Egypt and my backyard with in 5 mins. Talk about cool. And then looking at the stars was pretty amazing and learned a ton by just exploring for a few minutes. TECHNOLOGY ROCK!

TPACK is what you need!

TPACK is an acronym that stands for technology, pedagogical, and content knowledge. These are all things that a good teacher needs. While teaching a lesson, if you have great knowledge about the content and you are a fabulous teacher AND you know how to use technology to make the lesson interesting. You will pretty much be the best teacher ever. Having knowledge of all of these things doesn't just come over night. They are all areas where practice is important. So...practice, practice, practice. Being a teacher is a continuous learning process, so don't let it get your down.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quiz Questions!

Module 9:

A disorder is a/an

A) a)Inability to keep things organized.

B) b)Inability to do something specific.

C) c)Disadvantage in certain situations

D) d)General disturbance in physical or mental functioning.

Module 11:

For which group of students does tracking/between-class ability grouping cause problems?

A) a)Low income students

B) b)High-achieving students

C) c)Low-achieving students

D) d)High-income students

Module 36:

According to the text you can plan on your own, but it is better to…

A) a)Have someone else plan for you.

B) b)Work with other teachers and share ideas.

C) c)Have the students have a hand in the planning.

D) d)All of the above.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I learned so much my brain hurts!

I am excited to actually be proficient in all the Web 2.0 tools. I now know what some of them are, but I am still having troubles actually using them for my gain. I do know how to get all of them on my blog, and that is a plus, because then when I want to really figure them out it isn't hard to get there. My favorite is Goodreads. I can definitely see how it can be helpful now and when I have my own classroom. All of these tools, such as, delicious, Goodreads and RSS make everything more efficient. They help us waste less time and keeps everything very organized. And my favorite part is that is doesn't take up any space in my room like all of my educations binders.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Learning Reflection

When I started this assignment to find something I didn't know how to do and learn how to do it, I decided I as going to learn how to make a paper crane. I have always wanted to learn how, but I have never really made time for it. This assignment made me make time.

I looked up sites on the Internet to help me learn. I started out just fine. Reading the instructions and then doing it. Even though the instructions were not very good and the pictures along with the instructions were not helpful. I wanted to learn how, so I kept going. I got more that half way there and got to frustrated to go on. Now I have a piece of paper nicely folded to look like a diamond with legs.

I then started to look for the easy way out. What is something easier that I could learn. Sometime that won't take me as much time. I realized I was taking the lazy way out, but I was frustrated and I no longer cared about paper cranes. (Okay I might be over reacting a little.)

Then I started thinking about my week. I realized how much I have learned how. I learned about RSS and how to use them. I got an account at Goodreads and made some book selves, added friends, and selected books. I figured out how to use Delicious, a site that helps you store different articles on the Internet. I learned how the real dance to Cotton-Eye Joe. I learned the the Texas-two step and can actually do it pretty well. I also enjoyed learning all of this things. After thinking about all of these things I learned how to do I realized something that they all had in common. I was with people when I was learning how to do them. People were there supporting me and helping me along. One other thing that they had in common was a person told me what to do. I didn't have to read it and look at pictures.

If I was sitting around a table with a group of friends and we were learning how to fold paper cranes I would have loved to do that. I would have actually learned how, and I would not have gotten so frustrated and stopped before the end.

I apparently am a people person. I need people around me and I want them there. If I want to learn something to the best of my ability I need someone teaching me all the way. Not just giving me a hand out and letting me try and figure it out on my own.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I have never really been taught how to work with technology. I can usually figure it out if I need to and just try. I know there is a ton that I don't know how to do. I am excited to learn about all the opportunities that I have right at my fingertips. Once I really learn how to use technology, everything will not be such a hassle to do.

I have made a couple of power points but I have never been able to do the cool stuff. I can put things on slides and then manually move through the slides. I can enter numbers in a spreadsheet but I don't know how to do anything else. I have had my cell phone for 6 months and don't know how to do anything but call people. This partly has to do with me being lazy and not wanting to read the user's manual. My lazy days are over. I am going to learn how to do EVERYTHING, and it will be FABULOUS!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The First!

This is my first post ever!